Holy Cow
Armed with a camera and a rubber cow mask, photographer Sujatro Ghosh meets Hindu extremists, Muslims and victims of violence in an attempt to answer an absurd question: Is it safer to be a cow than a woman in India?
Holy Cow is a documentary that explores two parallel narratives dominating India today: while a woman is raped every 15 minutes with little to no consequence, fringe groups of Hindu vigilantes are attacking Muslims to protect their “Mother Cow”.
The story is told through the lens of Sujatro, who has been travelling the country taking photos of women wearing cow masks in public, as a way to highlight the absurdity of the situation.
Duración: 52’
Formato de rodaje: HD color 16/9
Formato de proyección: Bluray o DCP
Idioma original: Inglés, Hindi
Subtítulos: Español, Inglés, Árabe, Francés
Rodado en: India
#HolyCow #WomenIndia #RapeIndia #MuslimsIndia